Cigarette | Smoking Fetish Girls

All articles tagged with "Cigarette"

Mistress Jenny Nina is a sexy blonde mistress that is sitting on the couch smoking a cigarette as she spits onto the floor and makes a pile for her slave. She then takes her shoes and smears the spit around and then wants you to lick her shoes clean as she continues to smoke and add more and more spit to the pile until there is a large pile of spit waiting for you.

Mistress Svenja is a sexy blonde mistress that is giving her slave a riding lesson as she gets on top of his back and rides him around the room as he crawls around on his hands and knees. This sexy mistress is busy smoking as she rides her slave around the house taking long drags in to her lungs before exhaling the warm smoke while she continues to ride her slave around.

This hot blonde mistress is smoking a cigarette as she drives her car down the highway to work. She takes the cigarette in her hand in between her fingers as she steers her car and then holds it up to her lips as she takes a long drag. She then inhales the smoke deep in her lungs before exhaling and letting the warm smoke come out of her perfect lips as she drives.

This sexy mistress smokes a cigarette as she holds it in her hands with her long red fingernails. She drags in the smoke of her cigarette as she inhales the smoke. She holds it deep in her lungs before she finally exhales and lets the smoke flow out of her lips. She then takes another long drag off of her cigarette as she shows off her long red nails to the camera.

Goddess Katrina VonBad is a sexy mistress that is laying in bed smoking a cigarette as she teases you with her big tits. She knows that the sight of her perky tits is going to get you off and that you are going to start stroking your hard cock as you watch her smoke the cigarette and blows the smoke in your face and you blow your load all over the place.

Miss Deeane is a sexy brunette mistress that takes two pleasures and combines them together so that you can enjoy them both at once. She tells you to pull out your dick and start playing with it while she watches you and smokes her cigarette. As you are stroking away on your cock she takes her mouth filled with warm smoke and blows it all over you while you masturbate.

This sexy mistress has dark hair as she stands outside of the store and smokes a cigarette just for you. She takes her cigarette and takes a long hard drag off of it and she holds her breath and then blows the warm smoke out of her lungs and into your face as she looks at you like a loser. She then takes her cigarette and uses your mouth as an ashtray.

This sexy teen mistress has bright pink hair as she stands outside and lights up her cigarette. She takes her cigarette and puts it up to her lips and inhales deeply taking the smoke deep into her lungs as she takes a drag off of her cigarette. She then takes the cigarette out of her mouth and turns directly at you and blows the warm smoke right into your face.

Deeane loves the sensual pleasure of a lit cigarette between her lips. She loves the spark and smell of a lit match, holding it up to herself, the embers glowing as she breathes in deeply to light the cigarette. The smoke twirls up from it and her chest rises as she breathes in deep, her breasts straining against her bra beneath her shirt as she takes drag after drag, letting the smoke slowly curl out of her as she exhales.

Sexy, classy Goddess Katrina Vonbad closes her eyes as she breathes in the smoke from her white cigarette. She opens her eyes slowly, letting the smoke sit inside her. Then, she parts her red, shining, wet lips and breathes out. Smoke trails up from her lit, glowing cigarette and out of her wide-opened mouth. She exhales the last bit of smoke and raises the cigarette again, taking another deep, luxurious drag.

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