Cigarette | Smoking Fetish Girls

All articles tagged with "Cigarette"

Chanel keeps a human ashtray close whenever she smokes. The ashes start to build up; Chanel instructs her slave to open his mouth. He obediently accepts the ashes, but then she notices that some of them have fallen onto her clean, black leather boots. She points, forcing her slave to lick them clean. He runs his tongue along her boots twice, gathering the ashes until her black, high-heeled boots are shining again.

Godess Katrina VonBad takes drag after drag from her clove cigarette. She breathes in and lets the smoke sit inside her. She holds up the dark cigarette, watching the red ashes burn, the ashes matching the bright red of her lips and painted nails. She cocks her head, drops her wrist to the side, and opens her luscious mouth. A cloud of thick smoke leaks slowly from her parted lips.

Miss Defane lies on the thick carpet of her bedroom, wearing a white bikini and thong, smoking a cigarette. She breathes in, blowing out smoke, rubbbing herself on the soft plush fabric beneath her. She taps the ashes off the end of her cigarette and places the cigarette back between her lips, bright red with lipstick, and takes another drag, making the embers glow. She breathes deep and and blows out more smoke.

Princess Jenny is a sexy mistress that loves to smoke cigarette but she hate for the ash to fall on her spotless floor. She uses you as a human ashtray so that he floor will remain spotless and she will not have to clean up the mess. She takes her cigarette and takes a long drag on it and then blows all of the smoke in your face before ashing into your open mouth.

Mistresses Lucy and Lindsey are on vacation and spending all of your hard earned money while you are at home working your ass off. They take all of your money and spend it on designer clothes and handbags. They sits on a balcony and smoke their cigarettes while you are working hard to support all of their habits. You work all the time and all they do it spend your money for you!

This sexy mistress has long dark hair and is smoking a cigarette and she looks at you and then blows the smoke in your face as she smirks at you. She takes another long drag of her cigarette and then blows it in your face again and this time she laughs at you and tells you that you are nothing to her and that you are worthless and cheap and deserve the smoke in your face.

This hot blonde may look like she is classy, but she also has a dark side that would surprise almost any man. She loves it when she smokes a cigarette if a man will get down on his knees and let her punish him in all the right ways. She loves to ash her cigarette all over a man. She loves to blow hot smoke right in his face while hes on his knees.

This hot blonde mistress is wearing a mask while she is smoking a cigarette. She puts the cigarette between her lips and as she pulls it from her lips you can see her beautiful lipstick all over the cigarette butt. Couldn't you imagine if that was your hard cock? You would have a nice round ring all the way around your hard cock from this hot blonde mistress sucking you off.

This sexy blonde mistress is an arrogant smoker and she knows that she can get what she wants whenever she wants it. Right now she is puffing away on a cigarette and she knows that you would be her smoke slave in an instant. She knows you would get down on the ground for her and let her ash all over your face and be her perfect little smoke slave.

This hot brunette babe is in her computer chair just hanging out. She is smoking a cigarette in her low cut shirt, just so you can get a look at her nice round tits. She wants you to get down on your knees and be her smoke slave. She wants to ash right in your mouth and let you taste her cigarette. You will be her smoke slave that she will abuse.

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