Domination | Smoking Fetish Girls

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While she smoke, lady Despina used her cigarette to dominate the guy. She told him all the things that were on her mind. She looked like a badass as she smoked and he believed she would do all those things she said. She looked threatening and cold and he was scared shitless of her. When she was done scaring him, she let him go. He had peed on his pants.

Missy Van Licks needed to punish this guy as she felt that he was taking advantage of how laid back she was. So she invited her friend and she had her friend help her to punish him. He was cruelly punished by the mistresses as they turned him into a human ashtray and they had fun dominating as well as humiliating him. The cigarette proved to be a perfect weapon.

Mistress Ashley wanted to dominate this guy and that is exactly what she did to him. The mistress made sure that the guy learned his lesson the hard way and that he never tried to think that they were equals for him to want to mess with her. The mistress smoked as she humiliated him and it was a lot of fun for her. But it was not for him as he was degraded.

Mistress Lana was not in a good place. She had a lot on her mind and she needed to plan for things. So she took out a cigarette and she used it to take the edge off. She had fun doing it while she was almost naked. She looed sexy as she did so but her main aim was to take the edge off which she managed to do by the time she was done.

Mistress Jacky is a hot plus size girl and she loves herself that way. She did not want anyone trying to fat shame her because she did not have any desire to be different from how she was. So she put the fat shamer in his place by using him as her human ashtray and warning him of worse if he did not stop his bad ways. He learned his lesson.

Mistress Van Licks loves her cigarettes and she loves to smoke while on her throne. It makes her feel even more powerful than usual and today she did the same. She had time so she even called this guy on video and she had fun teasing him with her tits and her ass. The guy was super turned on and begged her to go to his house but she told him to jerk off instead.

This mistress was waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up. He was late and she was pissed. She did not want to keep calling her man and so she took out her cigarette and she used it to keep herself occupied. It helped her to calm her nerves a bit and she was able to relax and avoid calling him until he arrived. He apologized profusely for being late.

This mistress knew that this guy was into conspiracy theories. So she took advantage of it and she came to meet him with a femme fatale look. As she smoked, she gave him some kind of cryptic gestures and that scared the shit out of him. She was harmless and did not even know what the gestures meant but he thought it was a code and he ran away from her.

Mistress Zephy had an issue with how disrespectful her slave was. She resorted to humiliating him and she did it with her high heels. She forced him to lick them and did not care that they were dirty as he licked them. The mistress ensured that the guy learned that disrespect would not be tolerated in her house. He had to do his best to ensure he was always respectful.

Lady Despina wanted to scare this guy because she was sure that it was going to work in her favor. She did not want to spend a lot of time arguing with her slave. All she wanted was to get him scared to the point that he would do anything she asked him to do. And she was able to get to that point after she turned him into a human ashtray.

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