Lady Alshari was looking hot and minding her own business. But she knew there was a guy looking at her. So she pretended not to know he was there and focused on torturing him without his knowledge. She sat in a seductive manner and smoked in a seductive manner. She made him horny just by the things she did to her cigarette and how she played with her legs. Then she laughed at seeing his stiffie.
This hot mistress has a site where she shows people how to enjoy the smoke fetish. Today she was showing them how to flirt using the smoking fetish. She had her cleavage on point and her lips looking luscious and her cigarette on hand. Then she showed them how it is done like a pro. The video was so hot that it had lots of views and made lots of guys subscribe to her site.
This mistress is a carefree one. She does not care what she does or where she does it as long as it is fun. Today what interested her was smoking. She used her nice tits to flirt with guys and make them watch as she used her sexy lips to smoke and play with the cigarette and its smoke. Then she made them her human ashtrays and teased them that they can't take a little pain.
This mistress enjoys to smoke and to humiliate guys. She likes to smoke in order to get high but also humiliating her slaves and other losers using her smoking fetish also gives her a high in and of itself. Today she lit a big one and she made herself enjoy it first before she called her slave and she did not want to do anything else to him besides using him as her human ashtray.
Madame Marissa wanted to show this slave that he was a loser and a worthless piece of shit. So she made him lie down on the floor of her car on the front side as she drove. She made him lick the soles of her feet and she also forced him to become her human ashtray. She did not care whether it was painful for him or not. She just wanted to prove her point.
Lady Alshari likes to smoke. But she does not smoke because it is the one thing she is crazy about. She does it because it is a good way to humiliate guys. You can make them inhale your smoke and you can also make them endure the pain of being living ashtrays. You can also make the guys lick your saliva in the process. That is why she loves her smoking fetish.
This mistress has great tits. And she knows it. Lots of guys want to fuck them or squeeze them. But she likes to use them to have fun with her smoking fetish. When someone is busy planning what to do to them and staring at them, she gets the chance to smoke into his face and also use that guy as a human ashtray. She also makes him lick her spit.
Lady Nicole is not your average mistress. She is a sadist and loves it when others are in pain. She also loves to inflict that pain herself and that is what she was doing today. She did not want to inflict emotional pain today. She wanted the emotional one by degrading her slave. So she made him lick her spit and endure her smoking before she used him as her human ashtray.
Mistress Gaia knows how to extract secrets from guys. This guy had refused to give her the info she wanted. She tried all the means she knew and he could not talk. She only had one option and that was to degrade him and do so brutally. She tied the guy to a chair and then she lit her cigarette and made him her living ashtray. She also made him lick and swallow her saliva. It was too much and he told her what she wanted to know.
Lady Nicole and her friend love to smoke. But since they are new smokers, they find themselves with a lot of saliva. This was somehow a problem and made them embarrassed but it also presented them with an opportunity to humiliate their slaves. They make their slaves lick their saliva or even drink the saliva from a cup or plate. They also like to use their slaves as their human ashtrays.