Smoke | Smoking Fetish Girls

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This mistress was bored to death. She had never smoked before but she was willing to give it a try. She wanted to do something to pass time since she had absolutely nothing fun to do yet she had loads of time on her hands. She went out and bought a cigarette and she enjoyed puffing away while recording herself. She did it so as to watch later on and find out how she looked while smoking.

Princess Kitty has a thing for cigarettes and she is always smoking one when she is free. She noticed that her slave had messed up while she was smoking and she warned him not to piss her off any further as she could use the cigarette to make his life a living hell. She told him she was not in the mood to punish him. He rectified his mistake and apologized and she did not punish him.

Lady Juna likes to smoke. She is one of those who smokes for fun and not to humiliate or torture anyone. She loves her cigarette and she loves to puff on it every chance she gets. And she never misses an excuse to do it. She loves it so much that almost anything is an excuse for smoking. She smokes when angry, when happy, when about to make a huge decision, when bored and almost any other time.

Goddess Roxy is one of the mistresses who do not like to use a lot of strength and energy to punish or humiliate a slave. She likes to use as little effort as possible but still get the same results. She has a variety of ways that she achieves that but today she wanted to use her cigarettes. She lit one and she blew the smoke in his face and she also used him as her living ashtray.

When it comes to torturing guys, this mistress uses cigarettes to do it. Today she wanted to use a cigar. So she lit one and she enjoyed it as she called the slave to where she was. He was afraid of what she was going to do to him but he knew he had to go. She blew the smoke in his face and choked him with the cloud of smoke and while he was trying to breathe, she extinguished the cigar on his skin.

Mistress BlackDiamoond does not like to have her orders ignored. She was pissed that this loser had ignored him and so she punished him. She turned him into a human ashtray. She also slapped him and before she was done, she blew her cigarette smoke on his face. She was not in a hurry to humiliate him. She did it slowly to allow for maximum time and she cruelly taught him a lesson.

Mistress Amy hates losers. This guy was one such loser who was interested in her. She did not bother him but he brought himself to her. She turned on him and she humiliated him. She used her spit and her cigarettes to do it. she cruelly had him lick and swallow her saliva and she turned him into her human ashtray. Mistress Amy also blew smoke in his face and nearly choked him.

This mistress was pissed at what her slave had done but she did not have the strength to punish him. She was not going to let him go like that however. She had to punish him so she used her cigarette to do it. She loved her cigarette and it was the easiest way to punish him as all she had to do was to choke him with the smoke as well as spit on him and lastly use him as her human ashtray.

Mistress Emily Jones loves her cigarette. She is ever puffing one and she does not care about what anyone says. Besides using them for her own benefits, she also likes them because she can also use them to humiliate and punish slaves and losers. She only needs to use a slave or a loser as her human ashtray and she gets him or her to do what she wants from them.

Madame Marissa loves to smoke. She smokes all the time because smoking helps her to feel good, it helps her to think better when she needs to critically think about something and it also helps take the edge off or her mind off of something. She also likes to torture guys using her cigarette as she can burn them with it and also use the smoke to choke them if she wants.

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