The gorgeous feminine Katrina Von Bad looks very wicked as she smokes on her cigarette through the bathroom window. She asked her friend to tape her as she smoked on her cigarette and he got very aroused watching the display. Her horny friend started to quiver and shake and became very weak in front of her smoke domination. She teased him more by smoking out the window.
The sexy hot brunette girl, Alexa Paige Poo is smoking her cigarette in front of the little boy who is locked away inside his little cage. She is dressed in her hot bustierre and teases the boy as she shows him her sexy ass cheeks from outside the cage. He is her human ashtray as she ashes her cigarette inside his mouth as he strokes his little cock for her.
Marina is a mistress that enjoys taking her slaves on very long walks. She also likes to take the slave's that like to smoke with her too. She will not allow them to smoke, because it makes them crave the cigarette even more. Then, when she takes a smoking break, she will smoke in front of her slave not allowing him to enjoy a smoke break.
Lady K is a mistress that will put on a sexy black dress, but she is also staring at you when you are sitting there. She is famous for giving her slave's a task, but then she expects her slaves to follow the task. She also will tease her slaves with the smoke and make them go nuts as she keeps on puffing away with all the cigarettes.
A slave is going to find out just how hardcore his mistress truly is. He thought he could handle all of her taunting, but she is making him go wild. She is going to smoke her cigarette, but she will blow the smoke right in the slave's face. She thinks it's very amusing to watch her slave beg to smoke the cigarette she is smoking for her taste.
A mistress is going to temp and tease her pathetic slave with lots of smoke. She thinks making her slave beg for a drag off of her cigarette is really fun, and almost cruel because he loves smoking cigarettes. She will take long deep breaths over and over again as she is making him feel like a fool. She thinks the slave is a stupid ass anyhow.
Lady Susana is a mistress that enjoys hanging out on her couch. She does this because she likes to stare right at her slave as she is smoking. She doesn't care if her slave is forced to stand either. Lady Susana will relax and do her own thing while she smokes forcing her slave to stand all night if she requests, because he is just a loser slave.
Amyleen Moore has been smoking for a very long time. She thinks smoking is sexy, so when she is coughing to her it's even better. She will put on several different outfits as she is smoking, because she loves to make her slaves that have smoking fetishes go wild with how sexy and cute she looks. She is cracking up laughing at how pathetic the slaves are.
Theresa has never been shy when it comes to domination and her slaves. She could care less if her slaves don't like the way she treats them. She will even go out of her way to make them feel uncomfortable and stupid. Even the way she sits down makes her slaves feel less than whole. She will smoke her cigarettes talking down to her loser slaves.
Mistress Black Diamond is a mistress that loves to trample and walk on her slaves. She thinks it's funny to make her slaves feel the pain as she walks on their bodies. She will even have her friend join in the fun, because she believes slaves need to know their place and also how to get the most when it comes to domination and feeling like total losers.